- A Big Hug
Just before the day ends, give your partner a tight hug to show them your care. Sure you are always there to support each other but a hug/kiss/hand holding goes a long way in making the other person feel you are always there!
- Make them feel Needed
As a couple, you both must spend some quality time with each other every day. Make your partner feel needed by giving him undivided attention. Tell them that you love him/her as their companion with such simple gestures. Discuss how your day went or anything at this time.
- Kindness
Your partner deserves to be treated with kindness. This can be as simple as taking an interest in the activity that he/she likes or a simple action like surprising him/her with a meal that he/she loves. Such sweet gestures of kindness also include wishing them “Good Morning” with flowers and more.
- Respect
Everyone is entitled to their view, even your partner. So listening to them and respecting their uniqueness is very important. In a good relationship, there has to be respect both ways.
- Encouragement
You are your partner’s cheerleader! You are his/her biggest fan! The one person that he/she can trust on no matter what. Your support makes situations easier for them. So, you must encourage your partner for everything good they do!