Know what to do with dry roses

Have you received a bouquet of roses recently? Wondering what to do with it? A rose is the most beautiful flower that is used to express affection and care. People usually feel very special when they receive a bouquet of roses. They place it in a corner of their room for a week until the flowers dry. But eventually after some time, one has to discard the bouquet that does not feel good. So, here are a few creative ways to use rose petals after they have dried. 

  1. Make a memory, showpiece

If you have received a rose from your beloved on Rose Day or Valentine’s Day then this is the best way to preserve it. 

  • First, let the rose dry completely in sunlight for a week.
  • Till then, buy a transparent glass bottle and a fairy light. 
  • Now, place the dried rose inside the bottle neatly along with the fairy light and close the lid of the bottle. 
  • Decorate it in a corner of your room and light it up daily before you go to bed. 

2. Enjoy natural room fragrance, potpourri 

Got a bunch of roses from someone? Be a little creative and make potpourri from it. Not just it smells good, but it looks good too! For making rose potpourri:

  • Separate all the rose petals from the stem. Let them dry in the sunlight for a week or so. 
  • Once all the rose petals are dry, transfer them into a jar. 
  • Now, pour any essential oil(preferably rose) into the jar. Just make sure that all the petals are moist. 
  • Close the lid of the jar and shake it properly. 
  • Place the container in sunlight for a day or two till the petals absorb the oil completely. 
  • Now, you can fill tiny net pouches with potpourri and place them in your washroom, room, living area or wherever you wish. 

3. For your skin, rose water 

We all have used rose water to get instant relaxation from itching or redness on the skin. If you have plenty of roses, then try making rose water at home by following these simple steps. 

  • First, separate all the rose petals from the stem. 
  • Wash them all properly under running water to remove all the dirt. 
  • Once done, transfer them all into a pan. Pour around a cup of water and cover the pan with its lid. Let it simmer for 30 minutes on low flame. 
  • Now, transfer the liquid into a glass bottle. Your rose water is ready. You can separate the petals if you wish to remove them. 

4. For relaxation, rose tea

Relax your mind, body and soul by having a cup of delicious rose tea. All you have to do is:

  • Separate the rose petals from the stem.
  • Wash a handful of rose petals.
  • Take a cup of water and boil it.
  • Transfer the water to a glass bottle.
  • Add washed rose petals to it and close the lid of the bottle.
  • Keep aside for a night.
  • Next morning, strain the rose petals. Boil the rose-infused water and drink it, your rose tea is ready. You can also use this naturally flavoured water in making green tea or milk tea.

5. For decor, candle

Almost everyone likes to decorate their room with candles. Making a scented candle is not as tough as it seems. You just have to:

  • Take a good quality transparent glass jar. 
  • Stick the rose along with its stem inside it at any corner or curve. 
  • Place the candle wick in the centre.
  • Now, start pouring melted wax around the wick.
  • In between, decorate some rose petals and start pouring wax again. Repeat the same step till you reach the top. 
  • Light up the candle on a special day!