A healthy life is a result of a happy mind! There are many day-to-day situations that influence our mood. Where some make us extremely happy, some leave us gloomy. So, it becomes really important to have some positive control over our minds. There are many things that one can practice during negative or stressful situations. One should not worry about the little things and should focus on the big picture. During these situations, our perspective matters a lot. In simple words, the way we look at the situation, the way we react towards it. I believe that life is short and unpredictable so every single moment should be cherished.

Here are a few tips to stay content:
- Join any physical activity of your interest like yoga, walk or Zumba.
- Hug someone you love the most before you sleep(can be a pet too).
- Talk your mind to the 1 you trust the most.
- Focus on seeing the situation with a positive outlook and a bigger perspective.
- Write a daily diary(include small problems, your smart solutions to them and things you are grateful for).
- Make the day productive, avoid sleeping in between. Take straight 8 hours long sleep at night.
- Shower with lukewarm water before you go to bed.
- Get active in a social cause that matters to you or help someone randomly.
- When angry, deep breathe and calm down. Once done, then think of a solution.
- Focus on your life goals, choose a carrier that makes you happy.

Don’t forget to be happy in whatever you have in your life. I once heard a phrase that reads “ignorance is bliss”, try to implement it in every negative situation of life. Try to follow these simple things and feel the change. A positive mind and a smart attitude can always help.